How Can You Benefit From Brinjal and Grow at Home Easily?

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How Can You Benefit From Brinjal and Grow at Home Easily?

Who doesn’t like a plate of flatbread/roti with baingan bharta on a chilly winter night?

Deep-fried, steamed, or roasted – brinjal is loved in every way.

Brinjal is a friend of good health and is filled with essential nutrients, antioxidants, and vitamins. Research says that it can help with weight loss, aid digestion, and build stronger bones.

That’s not all!

This bushy plant is an excellent source of bioactive substances such as arginine aspartic acids, alkaloids, and flavonoids. It is thus known as the father of modern medicine.

This blog will inform you about how to grow a brinjal plant at home. We will talk about the following: -

  • Interesting facts about Brinjal
  • How to grow brinjal at home
  • How to take care of brinjal plants
  • Health benefits of brinjal

So, continue reading the blog to learn more about growing brinjal.

Interesting facts about brinjal

  • Brinjal is a plant species in the nightshade family Solanaceae.
  • Although there is not enough evidence, it is widely accepted that brinjals are native to India. It grows wildly in Africa and South Asia, though.
  • According to botany, brinjal is a berry.
  • Belonging to the genus Solanum, brinjal is related to tomatoes, chili peppers, and potatoes.
  • Over 80% of brinjal produced globally comes from China and India. China produced 65% and India produced 23% of the world's brinjal in 2020.
  • Brinjals are a rich source of fiber, potassium, and anthocyanins
  • Anthocyanins in brinjal are responsible for that purple hue
  • Brinjal has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties

How to grow brinjal at home

  • Get a plastic gardening tray if you're growing your eggplants from seed. For every two seeds, you need one pot. It might be simpler to move your seedlings into larger pots later if you use seedling trays and other inexpensive plastic containers.
  • As brinjals like heat, you can bring clay pots for further use. Opt for the unglazed ones because they retain water longer. Also, check for proper drainage holes.
  • Prepare your soil now. One part sand and two parts potting soil are ideal. Also, use 20-20-20 NPK fertilizer, which you must reapply every 10–12 weeks.
  • Also, buy a tomato cage or teepee stake to offer optimum support to brinjal plants.
  • Sow the seeds indoors around April. Take the gardening tray and put the potting mix into your tiny pots or trays.
  • Make a hole in the middle of each pot or tray portion measuring 1/2 inch.
  • The likelihood of at least one seed sprouting increases when two seeds are planted. So, put two seeds in that hole.
  • Now, cover the seeds lightly with additional potting mix
  • Place the tray in a bright and sunny spot where it can receive at least 8 hours of direct sunlight
  • Always keep the soil just damp enough to touch, but avoid overwatering
  • Once your seedlings have two sets of leaves, thin them out. Keep the stronger of the two seedlings in each tray section and cut the weaker one to the soil line.
  • When the seedlings reach half a foot in height, you have to transplant them into bigger pots.
  • Now, set up your staking system in the bigger pot. Position the stake straight up and down, with the foot of the stake or tomato cage flat on the bottom of the pot.
  • Fill the pot with potting soil that you have prepared. Keep a gap of 1 inch between the lip of the pot and the top of the soil.
  • Dig a hole in the middle to put the seedling. Gently lift the string seedling from the tray and carefully place it in the new pot.
  • Use some potting mix to help keep the seedling in place, and then water them.
  • Place the pot in a sunny spot, water regularly after checking the soil's condition, and look out for pests.
  • As the plant starts to flower, switch to a 9-15-30 NPK fertilizer for better growth and yield.
  • Continue caring for the plant, and in 100-130 days, the vegetables will be ready for harvest.

How to take care of brinjal plants


Brinjal is a sun-loving plant. Allow this plant at least six hours of direct sunlight a day for appropriate growth and production.


If planting indoors, select a window that receives six-eight hours of bright light. If placing outdoors, choose the sunniest spot in your garden.


Brinjal plants love moist soil because that aids in their development. But remember a soggy soil will harm the plant. So, water this plant frequently, but always check the soil first. o protect the soil and aid in moisture retention, it is a good idea to cover it with some sort of mulch, such as straw or wood chips.


The soil for brinjal plants should be well-draining and rich in organic matter. For outdoor gardening, choosing a sandy loam soil to which you can add organic matter before planting the seeds is great. To grow brinjal plants in pots indoors, you can take two parts of potting soil and one part of sand to balance drainage and nutrient. The soil pH should be between 5.5 and 6.6.

Do you know that brinjal plants raised on sandy soils produce early, whereas those raised in clayey soils produce more?


Brinjal is a warm season crop, and that’s why, it will require a lengthy, warm growth season. Remember that it is extremely vulnerable to freezing. The ideal temperature range for its optimal production is 13–21 degrees Celsius on a daily average. When the temperature drops below 17 degrees Celsius, it has a significant negative impact on the crop's growth. It can be grown effectively both during the rainy and summer seasons.


A fertilizer with NPK 20-20-20 is best for brinjal plants.


Plants should be placed in rows that are at least three feet apart and at least two feet apart. While nursery plants should be placed at the same depth that they were growing in their nursery container, seeds should be covered with around 1/4th inch of soil.


Brinjal has weak stems, which is why it would require support to stand up. Add stakes while the plant is young and small so that the roots are not disturbed later. The majority of kinds can be safely attached to a piece of bamboo or a wooden stake that has been buried a few inches deep in the ground away from the plant. A tomato cage made of coated metal or one made of bamboo are other options.

Health benefits of brinjal

Brinjals are renowned for having an incredibly soft texture and are slightly slimy when cooked. In addition to being delicious, they have a good amount of antioxidants and essential nutrients. So, you should never skip it. The nutritional value and health benefits of brinjal are listed below: -













Vitamin B6


Vitamin C







May fight cancer

Several chemicals found in eggplant have been shown to have anti-cancer effects. Solasodine rhamnosyl glycosides (SRGs), mainly, are a chemical present in some nightshade vegetables, such as eggplant. SRGs may kill cancer cells, according to certain animal studies, and they may also lessen the likelihood that some cancers will return. The polyphenols present in brinjal also show anti-cancer effects. Another notable thing is that eggplants or brinjal are rich in Vitamin C and promote white blood cells, which are our body's main line of defense.

May help in weight loss

If you want to lose weight, you can include eggplant in your diet. No cholesterol, fat, or very few calories are found in eggplant. Consuming eggplant, which is high in fiber, prevents ghrelin from being released into the body. This hormone plays a crucial role in making us feel hungry once more. The fiber makes us feel full and lowers our risk of overeating.

Takes care of the heart

Because it includes potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and phytonutrients, eggplant generally benefits heart health. By consuming more good cholesterol (HDL) and less bad cholesterol, eggplant aids in the maintenance of our body's cholesterol levels (LDL). If our LDL levels are decreased, the risks of heart attacks, strokes, and atherosclerosis are significantly reduced. Additionally, eggplant has the ability to control blood pressure, which lessens the stress and strain on our cardiovascular system. This promotes the health of our hearts.

Strengthens bones

Brinjal is rich in copper and Vitamin K, which means it can strengthen bones, increase mineral density, and prevent osteoporosis. This vegetable contains collagen, which aids in the development of bones and connective tissue. The presence of potassium in brinjal will not only make your bones healthier but also help them absorb calcium.

Good for digestion

Brinjals have a low amount of fat and cholesterol and more dietary fiber. This fiber helps with good bowel movements by giving our stools more volume and efficiently removing waste from our bodies. Also, this fiber enhances the secretion of gastric juice, which is essential for the digestion of food and absorbing nutrients.

Control diabetes

Because they are high in fiber and low in soluble carbohydrates, brinjals are beneficial for treating diabetes. The vegetable brinjal helps the body control the activity of insulin and glucose. The harmful effects of diabetes on our bodies can be avoided with the aid of stable insulin levels. Brinjal falls in the list of "foods with the low glycemic index," and its GI is 15 (foods falling between 0 and 50 are called low GI).

Promotes brain health

The presence of phytonutrients makes brinjal an excellent choice for improving brain health. Phytonutrients are renowned for increasing cognitive abilities and removing free radicals that may cause diseases. Thus our brain is guarded with these nutrients. Our brain receives more oxygen-rich blood when eggplant or brinjal are consumed, supporting neural network growth. This enhances our memory and capacity for critical thought.

With such nutritional value and ease of gardening, who wouldn’t want to grow brinjal plants at home? Take notes from this blog and get started. It is going to be a rewarding experience—trust us!

FAQs Related to Brinjal

Why is brinjal sometimes called eggplant?

The white variety of brinjal resembled eggs, and the Europeans thus named it eggplant back in the 1700s.

How long it takes brinjals to grow?

It takes at least 100-120 days for brinjals to mature.

Which season is best for growing brinjal?

Brinjals can be grown as both summer and winter season crops. For harvest in winter, you have to sow the brinjal plant between June and July. For production in the summer, you can sow brinjal between December and January.

Is brinjal nutritious?

Yes, brinjal has antioxidants like vitamin A and C, as well as plant based chemicals like polyphenols. They help protect you from cell damage.

Can brinjal be consumed daily?

Brinjal is tasty and healthy. They can be consumed daily in moderation because studies suggest that they help with oxidative stress, glucose levels, and blood pressure.


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