Money plant - Facts, benefits, growing, care, and Vastu tips

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Money plant - Facts, benefits, growing, care, and Vastu tips

Any spiritual guru or motivational speaker would say, "the world works on faith and hope." When you witness the results of those hopes and faiths – you believe in magic.

The money plant is one such thing that lights up hope and faith in people's minds. These plants are widely believed to bring happiness, good luck, and financial prosperity. Some people believe in this theory, and some don't.

But everyone believes that money plants can improve the air quality of a home because NASA has approved that.

Did you know money plants can also relieve stress? They do so by producing oxygen 24x7—and when surrounded by an abundance of oxygen, stress cannot stay active!

We will discover many such aspects of money plants in this blog. Here is what we will talk about: -

  • Unknown facts about Money Plants
  • How to grow a money plant
  • How to take care of a money plant
  • Benefits of keeping money plants at home
  • Money plant Vastu tips

So, let's get to know the money plant better.

Unknown facts about Money Plants

  • Epipremnum aureum is the scientific name for the money plant. Because of its flat, round leaves that resemble coins, it is known as the money plant.
  • Do you know that each branch of the money plant consists of five leaves that signify the five elements of nature? They are air, water, fire, metal, and wood.
  • The heart-shaped leaves of money plants symbolize good luck and prosperity
  • Have you ever heard that money plants have seeds? Well they have seeds and sometimes, these seeds are crushed and added to baking dishes.
  • The seeds of the money plant are also roasted and eaten as a snack in some cultures

How to grow a money plant

Growing a money plant at home is not a difficult task. Many people grow them at home in soil, in aquariums, and in bottled water. Read more about growing techniques below: -

Basic requirements

  • Money plants can be grown in any container or pot. You may pick up glass jars, plastic bottles, mason jars, etc. If growing this plant in soil, you should use a medium-sized pot with drainage holes. Opt for any pot, like a clay pot, a ceramic pot, or a colorful plastic pot.
  • There is no such thing as the best season to grow money plants. It is a decorative plant that can be grown any month of the year. If you have placed your money plant outside the house, bring it inside during the peak summer and winter seasons. They can tolerate any temperature outside, but extreme weather conditions may also be harmful.
  • If foliage is your prime concern, grow money plants in fertile, loamy soil with good drainage. And don’t forget to mix cocopeat or organic compost into the ground. Otherwise, money plants can grow in any type of soil.

Once all these basic requirements are fulfilled, you can move on to planting them.

Growing Money Plant - in water

Stem cutting

  • Take a stem cutting from a healthy money plant that has two or three leaves intact in it.
  • Cut the stem at a 45-degree angle for 30 cm above the node, where leaves begin to grow.


Put this stem cutting in a container like a jar or a bottle filled with clean water. Make sure that half the stem is in the water.

Under the sun

  • Keep the container or pot in a spot where it can receive at least 2-3 hours of sunlight.
  • In case you opt for hanging pots, just hang them and allow the leaves to fall into them.


The roots won’t sprout fully for a couple of weeks.


  • Meanwhile, you have to keep taking care of the plant by changing the water once every ten days.
  • When the weather outside is too hot and dry, the water levels will evaporate faster, so you have to water the plant accordingly.


Money plants don’t generally require fertilizers, but if you see the foliage is slowing down, you can add a mild water-soluble nitrogen fertilizer to encourage growth.

Growing Money Plant - in soil


Get stem cuttings from a healthy money plant first. For that, find a mature money plant with a healthy green stem protruding from the main trunk. Remove a six-inch stem by holding a clean pair of gardening shears against the trunk.

Sunlight & root development

Now, put this fresh stem cutting into a glass or bottle of water and keep it under sufficient sunlight. Allow some time for these roots to grow on this stem cutting. This root development may take up to 4 weeks. You have to wait patiently.

Change water

Change the water in the bottle or jar every ten days while waiting for new roots to develop.

New roots

The moment you see new roots reach a length of 2 inches and some tiny leaves have also appeared, make arrangements to pot your plant.

Humidity & moisture

Money plants thrive under high humidity and a good moisture level. But remember that the water should not stay stagnant near the roots, which will damage the plant.


So, get a planter with drainage holes and fill it with potting soil. You may add some perlite to improve drainage. To enhance humidity, you may put some pebbles at the bottom of the pot.

Place stem in soil

Poke the potting soil and make a hole to place the stem with new roots and leaves into the soil. Keep the tiny leaves above the soil.


To ensure that the cutting stands firmly upright, deeply water it and press the stem into the soil.


Remove the old branch with scissors, leaving just the tiny, green leaves.

Favorable location

Put the container somewhere shaded and allow it to grow.

How to take care of a money plant

One doesn't need to be an experienced gardener to care for a money plant. This low-maintenance plant won't take up much of your time. Follow the care guide mentioned below, and your money plant will prosper forever: -

Caring for Money Plant - in soil


You require loose and well-draining soil for a fast-growing and healthy money plant. This will facilitate easy root expansion. You can mix sand, cocopeat, perlite, and vermiculite with 20% compost, such as cow dung or vermicompost, to make 50% garden soil. This will be the perfect soil to grow money plants.


The ideal temperature for the proper growth of a money plant would be between 15 and 24 degrees Celsius. This is the average room temperature, by the way.


Money plants can be kept anywhere in your home—besides a window, in washrooms, in living rooms, at your work desk, or above the bookshelf. Remember to provide some sunlight once in a while or keep it somewhere where it can get filtered sunlight. According to Vastu, keeping the money plant in the southeast is recommended.


Money plants can flourish in both direct and indirect sunlight, as well as interior lighting in your house. However, excessive exposure to sunshine can cause leaf edges to burn.


The required nutrients are already in the potting soil mix, so you don't need to worry for 3-6 months. After that, you can provide nitrogen-rich fertilizer, like decomposed cow dung or vermicompost, once every three months.


Although the money plant prefers a lot of water, it is also drought-tolerant and can go for long periods without it. It is adequate to water every day or every other day. To prevent water stagnation and root rot, water your plants thoroughly and deeply, and ensure the drainage holes in your containers are functional. Burning or browning of tips and edges might occur with less frequent watering. Leaf yellowing and stunted growth can be caused by overwatering.


This is only necessary if you have decided to grow a money plant in a small container and the plant roots have become entangled with the container. It's time to repot the plant in an enormous container if there is limited development and leaf yellowing.

Caring for Money Plant - in water

Some individuals prefer to cultivate money plants in a water bottle, keep them next to the window, and watch them gracefully climb it. The care guide for growing money plants in water would be slightly different, as mentioned below.

  • Water must be changed at least once a week
  • Keep one node below water for optimum growth
  • Fertilizers are not necessary for growing money plants in water
  • Keep the money plant container near sunlight to encourage the development
  • The branch can be folded into the water, which will allow the development of roots at all nodes

Benefits of keeping money plants at home

Money plants are one of the best plants to bring home because they are fuss-free. They give you so much more while requiring so little maintenance. Take a look at the benefits of keeping money plants at home: -

Purifies air

By eliminating airborne contaminants from indoor air, including benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and xylene, money plants add value to healthy living. It is known that the air in the space where the money plant is kept has more oxygen, which makes breathing easier. The NASA Clean Air Study conducted in 1989 discovered that some houseplants, such as the money plant, may have the power to eliminate air pollutants naturally.

Induces sleep

Do you know that some plants can produce oxygen even at night? Experts say that if you keep any such plants in your bedroom, you can get better sleep. It is best for those who face insomnia or sleeplessness. The money plant is one such plant that emits oxygen at night and creates a comfortable atmosphere for you to sleep well.

Relieves stress and anxiety

According to studies, regularly observing and engaging with indoor plants might help lessen stress and anxiety. The answers of a group of study participants to computer-based tasks and tasks based on plants were tracked for this experiment. Compared to mental labor, it has been discovered that interacting with plants might lower stress. The majority of individuals reported that the plants encouraged relaxing and pleasant feelings.

Comforts aged people

According to another study, it is said that older people may benefit from seeing a money plant. Monitoring of blood pressure and brainwaves, which indicated lower anxiety levels, was used to make this determination. It was concluded that watching a money plant for five minutes can help elderly persons relax psychologically and physically.

Never meddles with your lifestyle

Every houseplant that you have demands some care. It would be best if you made time available from your other commitments to feed or water them. But with the money plants, it won't ever happen. It is a low-maintenance plant that will require watering only once every two weeks, depending on the weather outside. Suppose you are going out of town for a week or two; you can be tension free even then. It can sustain itself in a low-light situation too. When you have a money plant around, you can be sure that it won't disrupt your daily schedule while promoting better living.

Vastu and Feng shui recommended plant

According to Vastu Shashtra and Feng Shui, the money plant is an excellent indoor plant. Both contend that keeping the money plants at home will bring luck and wealth. One cannot prove a claim of this nature. However, it is impossible to ignore the millions of testimonials from people worldwide who have improved their lives by implementing simple Vastu and Feng Shui advice on maintaining money plants. To attract more wealth, it is advised to keep a money plant at your workstation.

Acts as an anti-radiator

Generally, all plants can act as an anti-radiator, but you cannot bring all types of plants or trees inside your home. Not all types of plants can be kept near your wi-fi router, landline phone, computer, TV set, etc. That's because not all plants can sustain the indoor environment. But the money plant does all that without raising any alarm.

Inexpensive home décor

You might have many home décor elements that accentuate the excellent look of your interiors. Still, when you keep a plant among them, it gives an earthy tone, which is always appreciated. Money plants would elevate the beauty of your home without making a hole in your pocket.

Keeps aquarium clean

Since money plants can grow in water, you can also allow them to grow inside an aquarium. This plant prevents nitrates from getting into aquarium water, which are hazardous for fish.

Money plant vastu tips

  1. Growing a money plant in an aquarium is an excellent way to boost the flow of positive energies in the house.
  2. Keep money plants inside your home and not outside because the extreme weather may stunt their growth.
  3. If keeping in the living room, opt for the southeast direction, where Lord Ganesha, the god of good luck and prosperity, presides. This southeast region is also Venus's seat, which symbolizes wealth and prosperity.
  4. Vastu experts say that people having sleep-related problems can keep a money plant in their bedrooms. They emit oxygen even at night, which will calm people and help them overcome sleeplessness. The perfect direction would be on the left or right side of the bed, but away from the footrest and headrest.
  5. If you have a north-facing house, place a money plant right at the entrance to attract new career opportunities and new sources of income for all family members.
  6. Vastu says if you have sharp corners in your house that aggravate anxiety and negative feelings, you may keep a money plant to reduce those energies.
  7. Do not keep money plants in the east or west direction of your home, as they may give rise to financial problems and animosity among family members.
  8. As per Vastu, never keep money plants near any red-colored object because that is believed to draw bad energies or bad luck.
  9. The kitchen is never recommended, as per Vastu, to keep money plants.
  10. Grow money plants in a green or blue colored jar, pot, or container to welcome more wealth. It will also help to remove any obstacles in the flow of energy in your home.
  11. The growth of money plants denotes success, progression, and prosperity. So, never let the leaves of the money plant touch the ground because that means downfall. For that, always prune the plant in due time.
  12. Only you and your family members can prune the leaves of the money plant. Allowing anyone else to do this job means giving away your wealth to someone.

Money plants may bring luck and prosperity—this is highly debatable. But one thing is evident when you bring a low-maintenance plant like a money plant home; it boosts your confidence to bring more green friends home and transform your home.

FAQs related to money plant

Why keep a money plant at home?

Besides attracting good luck and prosperity, the money plant also purifies the indoor air, relieves stress, and acts as an anti-radiator. Those are some solid reasons to keep money plants at home, aren’t they?

Is keeping a money plant at home lucky?

Vastu experts say that keeping money plants at home is lucky. They attract positive energies, multiply financial prosperity, and enhance happiness.

Which is the best direction to keep money plants in home?

Experts say that money plants should always be kept in the southeast direction. That’s because southeast is the direction where Lord Ganesha—the god of well being and prosperity presides.

Is sunlight required for the growth of the money plant?

Money plants grow well under indirect sunlight when placed indoors. They can grow even in low-light conditions. Money plants will survive even under direct sunlight. But if direct sunlight is too scorching, the leaves of money plants will burn.

How much water is required for proper maintenance of money plants?

Money plants require water once every one to two weeks. Check the soil before watering. Water only if the soil is more than 50% dry.

Does the money plant grow in water?

The money plant can grow both in water and in soil.


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