Rosemary Plant - Facts, Benefits, Care & How To Grow

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Rosemary Plant - Facts, Benefits, Care & How To Grow

Rosemary is a unique herb that is frequently used in foods and perfumes. It is seen as a wonderful Christmas gift in several cultures since it represents love and remembrance.

The plant and its flowers are used to prepare essential oils that are therapeutic in nature. They heal wounds and reduce stress.

Not only that….

Rosemary is regarded as an excellent source of calcium, vitamins A, C, and B-6, as well as iron. It has been utilized as medicine for many centuries.

In this blog, we will cover the following: -

  • Interesting facts about rosemary plants
  • Health benefits of rosemary plant
  • How do you care for a rosemary plant?
  • How to easily grow rosemary at home?

You must be ecstatic, right? So, let’s get started.

Interesting facts about rosemary plants

  1. Rosemary is a shrub with fragrant, evergreen, needle-like leaves and white, pink, purple, or blue flowers, native to the Mediterranean region.
  2. The scientific name of rosemary is Rosmarinus officinalis. Rosmarinus is a Latin word, where ros means "dew" and maris means "from the sea"
  3. It develops into a massive, dense bush of stems covered in tiny, slender leaves. The purple-blue flowers release an intense fragrance.
  4. Rosemary was believed to be a sacred plant where fairies would hide or live, according to legend, in various Mediterranean regions.
  5. In ancient Greece, students used to frequently style their hair with a branch of rosemary. Why? That’s because they believed rosemary to be a memory booster.
  6. Do you know that you can obtain white colored honey from Rosemary?
  7. A rosemary infusion can be applied topically to treat wounds. It is a tonic when added to bath water and relieves stomach aches.
  8. Why is rosemary blue? According to Christian legends, Mother Mary placed her blue mantle on a rosemary shrub while going from Bethlehem to Egypt with Joseph and Baby Jesus. This is when the rosemary got its blue color.
  9. In previous times, rosemary was burned in sick people's rooms in order to disinfect and destroy germs.
  10. You would be startled to learn that the ancient Romans used to scent their wines with rosemary.

Health benefits of rosemary plant

Research says that a single sprig of rosemary contains the following: -

Sugar – 0 grams

Calories – 3.9 calories

Fiber – 0.4 grams

Protein – 0.1 grams

Fat – 0.2 grams

Carbohydrates – 0.6 grams

Although rosemary is a healthy herb, not everyone should eat it. Because it is known to increase menstrual flow, it should be avoided during pregnancy. Having said that, there are numerous health benefits that you can draw from rosemary, and they are explained below: -

Better immunity

Carnosic and rosmarinic acids in rosemary are filled with antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Therefore, regular consumption of rosemary would boost immunity, eventually helping you become less susceptible to infections.

For improved memory and concentration

Studies in aromatherapy using rosemary have supported some of the assertions that rosemary has been used for ages as a memory aid. One study indicated that breathing rosemary essential oil significantly improved cognitive function within 20 minutes. But you must seek professional help before trying to use it yourself.

Relieving arthritis pain

Arthritis is a painful disease. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties that works as a relief for arthritis pain. Again, you must ask a specialist before massaging your painful knees or joints with rosemary essential oil.

Treating gum inflammation

Rosemary is believed to be potent enough to lessen gum irritation by preventing the growth of oral bacteria. Because of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help cure gum issues like gingivitis, rosemary has long been a component in toothpaste.

Relieve stress

Preliminary studies say that rosemary is useful in lowering stress, anxiety, and tension, but more research needs to be done. It has been demonstrated in several studies that rosemary helps improve sleep for anxious people. The essential oil of rosemary has a pleasing smell, so it is used in aromatherapy to reduce stress.

Treats hair fall

It has been demonstrated that topical application of rosemary essential oil reduces hair loss and promotes hair growth because it improves blood flow to the scalp.

Although additional research is still required, it is also thought that rosemary can heal diabetic renal disease, dyspepsia, and decrease blood pressure.

How do you care for a rosemary plant?


A sandy or loamy soil with good drainage is ideal for the growth of rosemary. The pH of the soil should range from 6.0 to 7.0. Keep in mind that rosemary will smell better in more alkaline soil.


As a sun-loving plant, rosemary cannot survive in the shade. Therefore, ensure that it receives 6 hours of direct sunlight each day.


If you intend to keep rosemary indoors, a south-facing window would be the best place for its growth because it loves to flourish under strong sunlight. If you wish to grow it outdoors, give your rosemary the brightest area in your garden.


Do you know that rosemary is one of the best drought-tolerant plants? The majority of Rosemary's water needs are typically met by rainfall. As a result, you shouldn't water it frequently.


The rosemary plant prefers a warm, humid environment. So, for them to grow, a temperature between 12 and 30 degrees Celsius is ideal.


Fertilizer is not very necessary for rosemary. However, you have the option of using compost when it is growing. If lime is lacking in your soil, consider adding some.


Although it is not crucial, you can prune some of the branches of the rosemary shrubs to help free up some space in your garden.

How to easily grow rosemary at home?

Growing rosemary from stem cuttings: -

  • The best time to trim rosemary stems is between late spring and early autumn.
  • To propagate rosemary, cut a few 4-inch cuttings off the plant.
  • Remove the leaves from the lowest portion of the rosemary cutting, which is located about an inch from the stem's end, before planting.
  • It is crucial to remove these leaves because doing so will prevent the stem from growing and instead cause it to decay.
  • Prepare the soil at this stage. Fill a medium-sized container with two-thirds of coarse sand and one-third of peat moss.
  • Rooting powder can be applied to the stem tips to ensure rapid growth.
  • Now, put the stem cutting into the soil and place it in a sunny spot. Regularly water it until roots appear.
  • Alternatively, you can put the pot inside a plastic bag with air holes on top to assist control the temperature and maintain the moisture of the plant.
  • Root formation will take at least 3 weeks
  • You can plant the rosemary outside in your garden once the roots have formed.
  • Even when you keep it outside, you can keep growing rosemary in pots or as a shrub directly in garden soil

Growing rosemary from seeds: -

Growing rosemary plants from seeds is a bit difficult because they take a long time to germinate. Also, when grown from seeds, they are not always true to their parent plants. Still, if you want to grow rosemary plants from seeds, make sure you use more seeds than the number of plants you intend to grow. Follow the steps mentioned below: -

  • Gather rosemary seeds first, and then spread them out in a tray with moist seed-starting mix
  • To keep the moisture in the tray, cover it with a transparent plastic sheet
  • Additionally, make sure the tray doesn't dry out
  • Make sure that the temperature is between 26 and 36 degrees Celsius while keeping this tray on a heat mat
  • Remove the plastic as soon as you notice new seedlings, and place the tray outside in direct sunlight
  • Place these seedlings in pots or, if the weather is suitable, outside when they are 3 inches tall


What diseases does rosemary cure?

Rosemary is known to cure many diseases like stomach ache, headache, nervousness, epilepsy, dysmenorrhea, improvement of memory, hysteria, depression, and physical and mental tiredness.

What does rosemary do to your face?

Rosemary has antibacterial properties. Thus, if you use rosemary essential oil, it will help you smooth your fine lines, fight acne, reduce inflammation, and tighten your skin tone.

Is rosemary good for eyesight?

Although there aren't many studies on rosemary tea and eye health, there is evidence that some of the tea's ingredients may be good for your eyes. By reducing the severity and progression of conditions like cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, chemicals in rosemary tea may be able to protect your vision as you age. Remember that the majority of studies on the relationship between rosemary and eye health have relied on concentrated extracts, making it challenging to predict the potential effects of rosemary tea as well as how much you would need to consume to experience these advantages.

Does rosemary help with dark circles?

Rosemary oil is believed to improve blood flow around the eyes, which eventually reduces dark circles.

Is rosemary easy to grow?

As long as it receives enough light, warmth, and soil drainage, rosemary can thrive easily.

How long does it take to grow rosemary?

If all favorable conditions are provided, then rosemary takes 6–12 months to grow and become a mature plant.


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