How to grow rose plants at home and care tips

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How to grow rose plants at home and care tips

Human minds have been enthralled by it for generations. Its smell and petals have served as a source of inspiration for artists of all genres.

From mending relationships to offering little moments of joy and relieving stressed minds – it has always come forward with a unique charm and elegance.

The subject in discussion is none other than the majestic rose, recognized as a universal emblem of love, peace, and romance.

Gardeners love it because it’s a woody perennial flowering plant that intensifies the glitz of a garden.

Who wouldn't want a rose plant in their home?

This blog is ideal for you if you also want to grow it. This blog will go over the following: -

  • Amazing facts about roses
  • How to grow the rose plants at home
  • How to take care of your rose plants

So, let’s explore the romantic and enchanting world of the roses.

Amazing facts about roses

  1. Fascinated by its beauty, perhaps, multiple countries have declared the rose their national flower. The list includes countries like the United States of America, England, Bulgaria, Iraq, and Romania.
  2. Roses belong to the family Rosaceae, which includes fruits like apples, pears, quinces, apricots, plums, cherries, peaches, raspberries, blackberries, etc.
  3. Do you know when a rose is most fragrant? Roses are most fragrant before sunrise, and that’s why the rose petals for rose oil production are collected at this time.
  4. Rose is the national flower of Bulgaria, and did you know that this country has "Rose Valley," which produces 85% of the world’s rose oil
  5. David Austin from England spent $5 million over a period of 15 years to produce a special rose. This rose is named "Juliet Rose," and its color is apricot. It was sold for $15.8 million in 2006, making it the rarest and most expensive rose ever sold.
  6. Dr. Sudhir Khetawat from India cultivates the "Diamond Rose." It is the tiniest rose in the world, with just 1 cm of flower diameter.
  7. Given their immense popularity, many people plant roses at home. Any idea how many rose plants are bought annually worldwide? It’s estimated to be a staggering 150 million.

How to grow the rose plants at home

Roses are the most famous flowers in the world. From mass production in nurseries to the home garden, rose plants are found everywhere. Follow this blog if you're also mesmerized by the poetic beauty of roses and desire to bring a plant home. The following describes how to grow rose plants: -

Pick a type of rose

The types of roses that can grow in your garden or indoors will vary depending on your region's geography. There are plenty of rose types like Floribunda, miniature rose, hybrid tea, grandiflora, tree rose, shrub rose, landscape rose, etc. You can ask an experienced gardener or a local nursery which one to choose based on your region's climate.

Choose between bare root and container rose

You have to know the difference between these two types of roses before you proceed.

Bare-root roses, as their name suggests, come with roots but no flowers. When you plant this one, the plant's energy is directed into growing its roots and branches and then generating blossoms, as opposed to maintaining the already-blooming flowers, as in the case of a container rose.

Container roses are those in which the flowers are already there. As a result, they start out looking pleasant and attractive when you plant them.

Finding the best spot

  • Find a location that receives at least 5 to 6 hours of direct sunlight daily in the morning for healthier rose plant growth.
  • The afternoon sunlight is harmful for the plants, and thus you have to either remove them or look for a place that enjoys morning sun and afternoon shade. If your location is windy, you have to create an obstruction like a fence or wall. The same applies for colder climate zones.
  • The soil at this location should be well-drained. Consider putting rose plants in raised beds if the soil is heavy since it will stay moist and damage the plant. Always check the pH of the soil, which should range from 6.5 to 6.8. For better growth at this stage, use organic fertilizers like compost or old cow manure.

Planting bare root roses

  • The best time to plant bare-root roses is before the arrival of the winter
  • Choose a spot in your garden and dig a big hole—bigger than the roots—so that they have space to expand. If you are planting multiple roses, plant them at least 2-3 feet apart.
  • Mix some compost thoroughly with the soil until the entire mixture is molded into a mound at the bottom of the hole
  • Insert the bare-root rose into the soil mound. In hot and humid regions, you should place it so that the bud union is just above the surface of the soil. If you live in a colder climate, the bud union should be one to two inches below ground level.
  • To keep any air pockets at bay, shovel the soil mixture around the bare roots. Then pat the soil firmly around the roots.
  • Now, fill the hole with water. Once the water has been absorbed, refill the hole. Trim the canes so that they are just 8 inches long.
  • Make a 6-inch soil mound over the plant to keep the canes from drying out
  • In two weeks, you will see the buds sprout, and this is when you can remove the mound
  • There is an old gardener’s trick that you can apply at this stage. You can stomp down on the mound a little bit, which will help the plant retain some moisture.

Planting container roses

  • Bring a container rose from a local nursery and plant it in the late spring or early summer
  • If you have kept the roses in the container for a while, that means they are moist, and you have to wait until this moisture evaporates.
  • Dig a deep hole. The depth should be as big as the plant container and twice as wide. This will allow the plant to spread out its roots.
  • The “container rose” may come in either a plastic or cardboard container. If the container is made of plastic, gently compress and release the plant by tipping the container on its side while holding the plant's main stems in your hands. If the container is made of cardboard, peel off the bottom and sides like you would an orange before inserting it into the hole.
  • Now loosen the soil around the root ball to expose the roots and help them grow into the soil in the soil bed
  • Place the rose plant in the center of the hole and ask someone to hold it firmly while you fill the hole with a potting soil mix.
  • Pat the soil around the roots and around the hole. After that, water the plant. Wait a while for the water to drain off before starting over. The plant will start off strong with this.
  • Use pine needles, wood chips, or bark to mulch the top layer of the soil, which will help the soil hold moisture


How to take care of your rose plants

Once you have planted rose plants in your outdoor, indoor, or terrace garden, all you have to do is follow some care instructions. To make your task easier, we have discussed that below: -


A rose plant requires at least six hours of sunlight per day. Remember that this sunlight should be a morning one instead of an afternoon one, which is harsher. There are primarily two reasons why a rose plant prefers morning sunlight: one, the leaves like to stay dry, and second, afternoon sunlight is scorching and jarring and may hamper the plant. So, if you stay in a hot and humid region, provide some shade to your rose plants in the afternoon.


As roses prefer 6–8 hours of sunlight in the morning, you can place the plants near any east-facing window. If you live in a hot and humid region, then place the rose plants in a location where they can get morning sun and afternoon shade. If you live in a colder climate, arrange a warm wall or fence to keep the rose plants away from the ruthless cold.


Roses grow best in well-drained loamy soil. The preferred soil pH is between 6.5 and 6.8. The drainage of the soil should be really good; otherwise, it will lead to the rotting of the roots. Also, check if the soil is too sandy or too thick. To improve your soil, add organic materials like dehydrated cow manure or compost.


The ideal temperature for a healthy growth of rose plants is between 15 and 28 degrees Celsius.


In the first year of planting, the rose plants require more water—around 10 liters of water spread over 3 days per week. Once the rose plants have established themselves, they grow best with thorough watering twice a week. Watering in the evening is not recommended because it promotes powdery mildew, a common disease of rose plants. Also, do not water the plant from above because that will dampen the leaves, and rose leaves prefer to stay dry. So, water only the soil. In colder months, water deeply once a week.


Feeding rose plants with 10-10-10 rose fertilizer once a month is a good general rule. The best time to feed rose plants with fertilizer is in the spring because they are actively growing then.


Pruning in early spring is necessary for the overall health of the rose plant. You can prune roses in January if you live in a warm climate with little to no freezing over the winter. It may not be required to prune in warm-winter locations, but cleaning up is always a good option. Wait until April to prune if you live in a region that freezes during the winter, or until the leaf buds are full but not quite open.


The rose flowers are used to manufacture rose oil, rose water, and rose syrup, which are used profusely in food, cosmetics, and the medicinal industries. Rose tea is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine as well as Ayurveda. This tea is known to alleviate stomach problems, induce sleep, and reduce menstrual cramps. Rose water and rose petals have been used for centuries for glowing skin. In a variety of flower bouquets, roses are used to express deep love, admiration, and passion. Moreover, the beauty of roses is appreciated by everyone. So, to uplift your terrace, outdoor garden, or indoor garden, you can bring a rose plant and nurture it.


FAQ’s related to roses

What are the main uses of roses?

Roses are primarily used to decorate the garden. The fascinating scent of roses is used in the perfume and cosmetic industries. In aromatherapy, too, roses are in high demand.

Which is the ideal month to plant roses?

The month just before the onset of winter is the ideal time to plant roses. Either plant roses in October–November or February–March.

Does a rose require full sun?

A rose plant requires direct sunlight for 6–8 hours, but this should be morning sunlight. In the afternoon, kindly provide shade.

Where do roses grow best in India?

The major rose-growing states in India are West Bengal, Karnataka, Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir, Haryana, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh.

Is it hard to grow a rose from seed?

It can be difficult to grow roses from seed because the bulk of the seeds you collect frequently won't germinate despite your best efforts. The best ways to grow rose plants are "bare root roses" and "container roses".

How long does a rose plant take to bloom?

A rose plant will take 28–70 days to bloom if it is planted at the appropriate time and given the necessary care. However, this period will differ for various rose varieties.


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