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Salvia seeds (op)

₹ 149 ₹ 99 (34% off)

4.8 rating (19 votes) 4.8 8

Salvia mixed seeds (Hybrid)

₹ 199 ₹ 129 (35% off)

About Hybrid Salvia Seeds

Hey, gardeners!

You will prefer flowers that last for quite a long period to decorate your garden/balcony so Salvia is the right choice you make, they not only last in your gardens but in vases too. Planting them on beds and borders makes them stand out. They are of great adoring come in mix of colors. So, here are few steps which will help you grow salvia’s in your garden patch/balconies using containers.

Step1: From seeds to Planting

Buy salvia flower seeds India online from trusted company Salvia’s are usually summer plants and best grow in full sun, good you start of March/April/May. Sow the salvia flower seeds india early summer (2 weeks before) they even grow in partial shade too. You can use a seedling tray or directly sow 3-4 tiny seeds in pots/land filled in with well-drained soil, compost, and fertilizer. Just got to scatter the seeds of depth 1/4 and do not cover a layer of soil as they need light to germinate. Water the soil beds making it moist not wet helping it to germinate, expose them to full sunlight. Basically, they germinate in 60-65 degrees temperature.

Initial stage of salvia plant

Once the plant reaches 2-3 inches (approximately 10-15 days) of true leaf stage, if you have used seedling trays/small pots transplant them to land (garden)/ huger containers/pots. While transplanting make sure you don’t damage the plant. They best grow when you space them 12 inches apart as they become bush like once they are completely grown. Flowers bloom in mid June-September.

Step2: Choosing the pot/land and soil

When it comes to choosing planters they come in different shapes and size it’s up to you to choose but prefer quite a big one. It’s good a container with a drainage hole which prevents damaging the plant in case of over watering. Check our terracotta’s which give a formal look for indoor as well as for outdoor plantation. Hangings are not much suited as they grow tall of about 35-45cms.

Avoid using soil found near your place as they bloom with a rich potting mix. Check our potting mix which includes compost and fertilizer content. In case you want to plant them on land choose a place where the plant gets sufficient sunlight and space to grow. Use a garden rake to rake the area 2-3 times with fertilizer and compost before you sow the seeds, moist the soil by watering not making it wet.

Step3: Watering and taking care

Regular watering during the growth leads to appealing flowers. Water the plant early in the day by keeping the soil beds moist not wet. Water in every dry condition, avoid over watering. Include a layer of compost and fertilizer as a potting mix every four weeks. Too rich soil, overwatering and excess fertilizer can lead to less flowering. Make sure the flowers and leaves are not wet as it causes fungal diseases. They are drought tolerant so better you avoid wet conditions. You can cut them off once they are fully bloomed to place it indoor in vases. In case you want seed pods,wait for the flowers to dry up then collect them for your next level of the plantation.

Start off beautifying your garden/balconies this summer, it’s as simple !

Trust Basket Hybrid Salvia Seeds

We offer a rich collection of organic salvia seeds online. Flower Seeds offered by us are used for sowing during both summer season as well as winter season. These quality flower seeds online India made to undergo extensive tests and quality assurance steps that assures in them optimum germination results as well as superior flowering possibilities.


  • Suitable for professional cut flower growers as well as for home plantation
  • Seeds can be either grown in open fields or in a monitored greenhouse environment
  • Provides for superior germination and flowering possibilities
  • Suitable for growing perennials & bedding plants

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